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 Annual workshop on the Rio Grande Rise
São Paulo, Brazil 

14th and 15th April 2025
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The workshop

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The project "E-Merge, Multidisciplinary study of the Rio Grande Rise: Sustainable exploration of e-tech mineral resources” is approved by Finep (Financier of Studies and Projects), MCTI (Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil). This project is the continuation of the completed FAPESP project “Marine E-Tech elements” (process 2014/50820-7). The proposal comprises a multidisciplinary research that integrates geology, geophysics, geochemistry, metagenesis, hydrography, microbiology, marine biology, metallurgy, political science, law and psychology in order to understand:

1) The local processes of formation of marine polymetallic deposits in the Rio Grande Rise (South Atlantic), with particular interest in “critical” raw materials (strategic metals such as cobalt, nickel, tellurium and rare earth elements), so called due to their growing economic importance and essential contribution for emerging technologies (green-economy) and new electronic technologies, which have a high economic impact due to the current scarcity of supply of elements and minerals called “e-tech minerals”.

2) The potential environmental and social impacts resulting from an potential extraction of e-tech mineral resources in the deep sea and the new low-carbon approaches to the recovery of e-tech elements.

This workshop meeting aims to discuss the new initiatives to be taken in terms of the data and samples obtained during previous projects. The event will provide a multidisciplinary approach to the understanding of deep-sea ferromanganese deposits. The meeting will also be open to external participants such as researchers, undergraduate, and graduate students as well as staff from government and private organizations. This workshop will be held for four days from 14th – 15th April 2025, following a program that will include:

(1) Lectures by renowned researchers on the exploration of the deep-sea ferromanganese deposits, especially from the Rio Grande Rise;

(2) Oral and poster presentations on completed and ongoing research under the thematic project; and

(3) Arrangements of working groups for the future research and new publications on data and samples.

The initiative of this event will be remarkable in the scenario of the great international significance of marine mineral deposits.

Day 2 -20th November 2019



Day 1 -14th April 2025

Time      Speaker                                                                               Topic


08:30      Luigi Jovane                      Introduction and multidisciplinary Research in Rio Grande Rise

09:00     Carina Ulsen                     Crosta e Aspectos Econômicos

09:45      Eduardo Monlevade         Novos Aspectos da Metalurgia


10:30                                                                                                 Coffee Break


10:45     Alexandre Turra                Sustentabilidade na Mineração Marinha

11:30     Andrea Koschinsky           Geochemical characterization of FeMn crusts from the world oceans


12:15                                                                                               Lunch Break



14:00      Valdecir Janasi                 Magnetometric Survey and Preliminary Results - COGES_4_ERG_2023 Expedition (NPqHo Vital de Oliveira)

​14:45      Victoria Duarte Moreno

15:15       Alexandre Ferraz              Formação de crostas carbonáticas na Elevação do Rio Grande (Atlântico Sul): caracterização geoquímica e significância geológica


15:45                                                                                                 Coffee Break


16:00                                                 Discussion on lists of research goals on future activities                                           

16:45                                                 Discussion by groups of the white papers - 10 minutes each



18:00                                                                                                End of the day

Day 2 -15th April 2025

Time      Speaker                                                                                     Topic


08:30    Simone Bernardini             Raman techniques to study FeMn crusts
09:15    Roberto Ventura                  Geology and Geotectonics of Rio Grande Rise

10:00                                                                                                 Coffee Break

10:15    Solange Teles                       Marine Biology and the law of the sea
10:45    Carina Oliveira                    Mineração no Fundo do Mar, Direito do Mar e ISA

11:15     Farid Chemale                     Geochronology of the IODP Core from Rio Grande Rise


11:45                                                                                                 Lunch break


14:00    Marcio Yamamoto             Exploitation Systems for Deep Sea Mining

14:45    Paulo Sumida                      Comunidades bentônicas da Elevação do Rio Grande Rise
15:00    Vivian Pellizari                   Microbial Community in Cobalt-rich Crusts of the Rio Grande Rise

15:30    Gustavo e Julia Oliveira     Percepção social sobre a mineração em mar profundo


15:45                                                                                                      Coffee Break


16:00                                                Group discussions (Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and the Law of the seas)
17:00                                                White paper presentations 

17:30                                                Discussion by groups of the white papers - 10 minutes each 

End of Day and Event




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